¡vamos, simbiosis! reconnects humans to the sea through arts and science to inspire change towards a more sustainable future.
¡vamos, simbiosis! aligns with the United Nations initiative The Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) to conserve and sustainably use marine resources.
Inspired by the principle of symbiosis, the project brings together scientists, artists, and the public to discuss and develop ideas for developing a more balanced partnership with the oceans and marine life.
Activities 2022
The Spanish coastal town Águilas is located in the region of Murcia, a global climate change hotspot.
In September 2022, representatives of various scientific and artistic disciplines examined the topics of ocean science and marine conservation. Considering the issues from a range of different angles, they developed innovative ways to communicate scientific information. Bioscientists, anthropologists, illustrators, actors, and choreographers from around the globe worked together with local players, including municipal staff, fishermen, cooks, and diving instructors. More

Águilas, Murcia, Spain

Aerial view of the Águilas coastline with the Castillo San Juan

Huerto Don Jorge, Cultural Center, Águilas
Video about the project ¡vamos, simbiosis! by Tobias Brehmer and Axel Warnstedt, 2023, 5:33 min.
Exhibition at the LMU Munich Biocenter
¡vamos, simbiosis! 2002, Documentary by Tobias Brehmer and Axel Warnstedt, 2023, 4:48 min.
The Yellow Thread
How do artists and scientists inspire each other? They build on each other’s work in a gradual, non-linear process. An example of this is the staged reading Los Viejos and the Sea.
We call this process The Yellow Thread – a meandering, or zigzagging line, that leads to fresh perspectives and innovative approaches.
Staged public reading, 30 min. Premiere: 6 Oct. 2022, © Michael Masula, Tanja Granzow, 2022