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Project results

Hallo Plankton! Book

What we’ve achieved so far …


  •  Design of a logo (The Blue Orange) representing the mission, based on a collaborative process

  • Publication The Blue Orange – a brochure in German, English, and Spanish explaining the project's philosophy artistic way 

  • Illustrated poster series related to science and local issues; public exhibition of these posters in local shops and as billboards on the Plaza de España, Águilas 

Creation of the Symbiosis Studio in Águilas, which has facilitated:

  • Staged public reading (30 min), including development of a script based on interviews with local fisherman and excerpts of Los Viejos and the Sea (in Spanish) 

  • Dance performance (Rhythm of Life) including composition of music and costume design

  • Creation of a science-inspired mural for a public school (Colegio Mediterráneo) in Águilas 

  • Design concept for an educational Tree-of-Life-Game in e.g. a museum 

  •  Thinking Hands workshop to capture the participants’ views on the relation between humans and nature

  • Illustrated portrait series of local fisherman and cook

  • Illustrated series of the history of a local fishermans’ boat and about the personal stories of two cook

  •  Series of illustrations of participating biologist

  • Series of illustrations of how exploratory science works

  • Artistic photographic series repurposing seagrass and fishernets as fashion 

  • Exhibition concept with 3-D objects resembling oversized planktonic organisms 

  • Visual presentations and memory collage of student’s collected findings and experiences, including a poem collection

  • Video poem (Manos Saladas) based on an interview with an elderly, local woman (student project)

  • Development of a musical audio series (Morning Briefing) announcing the daily schedule for the participants

  • Conceptual ideas for blue economy and raising ocean awareness including a Posidonia fan club (and logo design)

  • Conceptual ideas for blue economy and raising ocean awareness including a Posidonia fan club (and logo design), Superhero-Cards, GinPlanktonics, a Floating Center 


  • Photo documentary (>10,000 pictures)

  •  Documentary film (30 min and 3 min) 

Anthropological and social science research on the relation of the local people with the Mediterranean Sea including:

  • Documented (audio, transcripts, illustrations) interview series of 6 fishermen and 5 cooks

  • Public cooking event in the Symbiosis Studio with local city representatives, cooks, fisherman and migrants to establish relationships aimed at solving existing societal and environmental issues 

Biological research of the Mediterranean Sea including:

  • Establishing plankton collection methods in collaboration with the local dive school, followed by exploring plankton bio­diversity and image capturing using a standard stereoscope, a CellScope and a PlanktoScope

  • Establishing monitoring techniques for fish and marine invertebrates by underwater photography, generating a databaseof pictures of local biodiversity, and initiation of an automated workflow for species identification (student project in collaboration with data scientist)

  •  Production of a video to engage the public in monitoring(student project)

  • Testing the use of the cost-effective Foldscope for citizen science

  • Illustrated book for children from 10 years onwards about the biology of plankton

  • Collection of 8 recorded (public) talks in English and Spanish on contemporary topics in molecular biology, history and anthropology

  • Establishing Veranda Talks, one-on-one conversations between a scientist and an artist on a swing with photos, and documen­tation by audio files, photos and selected quotations, as the basis for learning how artist and scientist work together

  • Comprehensive digital database of all material generated to establish a searchable online Symbiosis Platform

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